
The Sconi

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Wisconsin DHS seeks community input for maternal and child health survey

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Secretary-designee Kirsten Johnson | Wisconsin Health Care Association Website

Secretary-designee Kirsten Johnson | Wisconsin Health Care Association Website

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) is seeking input from state residents on family health in their communities to help shape the priorities and focus of maternal and child health programs. The Maternal and Child Health, Title V Needs Assessment Survey forms part of a comprehensive statewide assessment conducted every five years by the DHS Maternal and Child Health Program as part of federal Title V funding.

"Your voice is critical. We need to hear from people across the state so that we can better understand the needs and challenges related to maternal and child health, and then shape future policies and programs that will support the well-being of families in communities statewide," stated Dr. Jasmine Zapata, Chief Medical Officer and State Epidemiologist for the Bureau of Community Health Promotion in the DHS Division of Public Health. "Together, we can build a healthier future for all Wisconsin families."

The survey addresses various topics including prenatal care, access to healthcare services, maternal mental health, child and infant health, birth outcomes, and community resources. It will remain open until September 2024. DHS plans to use this information to identify current community strengths, partnerships, and areas needing additional support to enhance the health of mothers and children in Wisconsin.

The objective is to gather responses from individuals from diverse backgrounds across the state as well as those most affected by future family health improvement initiatives. Responses will be kept confidential unless legally required otherwise.

Survey results will be compiled into a report outlining priorities identified by Wisconsinites. This report will be available for public comment before finalizing a list of priorities that will guide family health programs from 2026 through 2030.

The DHS Maternal and Child Health Survey is accessible in English, Spanish, and Hmong on DHS' Maternal and Child Health (Title V) program webpage.

For media inquiries:

Ali Maresh - Director

Claire Yunker - Deputy Director

Elizabeth Goodsitt - Specialist

Jennifer Miller - Specialist

Members of the media may direct questions to: DHSMedia@dhs.wisconsin.gov
