Us Energy Information Administration
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Recent News About Us Energy Information Administration
EIA expects 'higher wholesale electricity prices this winter in every region of the country' as Wisconsinites will spend 62% more for electricity this winter
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) forecasts a long, dark winter with limited natural gas production and rising demand for natural gas, setting the scene for rising energy prices across much of the country, including Wisconsin.
Wisconsin's high natural gas prices tied to Biden's 'war on American energy'
As gas prices slow their upward trend, Democrats on Capitol Hill are preparing to take a victory lap.
Consultant: Wisconsin, national 'electricity rates are through the roof under President Biden's failed leadership'
For many states, this summer has brought extremely high temperatures, requiring households to constantly run their air conditioning in order to keep cool.
Wisconsin's Gas Misery Index $925: 'We're going through an incredible transition'
Even after a week where gas costs across the country slightly dipped, prices remain at record levels, forcing even President Joe Biden to admit what critics of the situation like Washington Times columnist Tim Young argues has become the obvious.
Critics say Biden 'sounds like he's channeling Hugo Chavez' when he talks about gas prices
The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board is blasting President Joe Biden over his July 2 tweet ordering companies that own gas stations to lower runaway gas prices.
Wisconsin's weekly Gas Misery Index: $799
With rising gas prices showing few signs of abating any time soon, an industry expert now estimates that Americans have collectively spent upwards of a billion dollars more on gas this year compared to last year.
Electricity price surge among rising costs hurting Wisconsin families
As rising inflation rates continue to handcuff households across the country, electricity costs are among the many day-to-day staples that have spiked in price.