
The Sconi

Monday, June 3, 2024

'Not believing in God has become irrational': Metaxas discusses new book 'Is Atheism Dead?'

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Metaxas explains that developing scientific research continues to prove the existence of God. | Pexels/RODNAE Productions

Metaxas explains that developing scientific research continues to prove the existence of God. | Pexels/RODNAE Productions

Eric Metaxas, The New York Times bestselling author, recently discussed his new book, "Is Atheism Dead?" on a podcast with Doug Truax, founder of Restoration PAC.

According to research compiled by the Pew Research Forum in 2014, 71% of adults in Wisconsin claimed to be affiliated with some sect of Christianity. Some 56% claimed to believe in God with absolute certainty, while 24% are fairly certain they believe in God. And 3% of Wisconsin respondents claimed to be atheist.

While Metaxas views religion as being on a rebound and many Wisconsin residents claim to be religious, Wisconsin Public Radio reported in 2019 that Christian church attendance has sharply declined since 2003, falling from above 80% that year to below 50% in 2019.

According to Metaxas, his new book, "Is Atheism Dead?" is about science proving the existence of God. He mentions an article published by TIME in 1966 titled "Is God Dead?" and says that "Now the question is ‘Is Atheism dead?' I think the evidence proves it over and over and over."

"When you examine atheism, it makes no sense. When you say there is no God, the evidence from science, especially, and the evidence philosophically, it simply doesn’t hold together. It is time we face the fact that atheism is done," Metaxas said when asked about his claim that science is proving the existence of God.

Metaxas also believes that "science and faith are not enemies, but it is without question that Christian faith gave us modern science." Because of the progress science has continued to make in our understanding of the world, he says "not believing in God has become irrational."

An article by the Christian Post relating to the podcast noted that the current "narrative" is one that is increasingly secular, but the more science develops, the more it leads people to God.

"We've all lived at a time when not only is the trend that science is pointing us away from God, but we've been living for over 100 years with the narrative that says, science is fundamentally at odds with faith, that reason is at odds with religion," Metaxas said in the podcast.

Metaxas goes on to say that he wrote the book for the church, a church he says needs to "wake up."

"Part of the reason I wrote this book also is to say to people, 'Hey, this is not a philosophy. Our faith is not a truth – this is truth. And God is giving this to us so that we can be emboldened.'"