
The Sconi

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Attorney General Kaul stresses legality issues around voter intimidation and threats

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Attorney General Josh Kaul | Attorney General Josh Kaul Office

Attorney General Josh Kaul | Attorney General Josh Kaul Office

Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul has emphasized the illegality of voter intimidation and threats to election workers. "It’s essential that we protect the right to vote," stated Kaul, affirming the commitment of the Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ) to ensuring a safe and secure election process.

The DOJ's Division of Criminal Investigation operates the Wisconsin State Intelligence Center (WSIC), which facilitates information sharing among various law enforcement agencies and partners. WSIC is actively engaged in monitoring potential threats related to elections, including those against election administrators or attempts at interference.

The DOJ serves as a resource for the Wisconsin Elections Commission, law enforcement, and district attorneys. It will continue to communicate with these entities regarding relevant election laws.

Voter intimidation is prohibited under Wisconsin law, which forbids using force or threats to influence voting behavior. The law also protects against threatening behavior toward election officials, aiming to prevent public panic or disruption of government operations.

Intimidation can manifest in various forms, such as verbal threats, displaying firearms near polling places, or disorderly conduct at voting sites. Such actions are illegal both when committed directly by individuals or through third parties.

If anyone witnesses voter intimidation or threats against election workers, they are advised to alert an election official and contact local law enforcement immediately. In cases involving violence threats, calling 911 is recommended.