There were 15 deaths with nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis listed as the underlying cause reported in Wisconsin during the week ending October 9, a 37.5 percent decrease from the previous week.
There were 19 deaths with influenza and pneumonia listed as the underlying cause reported in Wisconsin during the week ending October 9, an increase over the previous week.
Increased global use of clean energy could cause the price of metals to soar, but the effect of rising costs of raw materials on Wisconsinites is unclear.
On Nov. 23, Michael A. Mathweg and Brianna J. Mathweg, Trustees, or Any Successor Trustee, of the Mathweg Revocable Trust Dated 11/11/21 purchased a property at 4107 Painted Arabian Run, Windsor from Michael and Brianna Mathweg for $509,000.
The commercial property at 4770 N. 18th St., Milwaukee was sold on Nov. 23 by Colbert's Beer and Liquor Mart LLC, a Wisconsin LLC for $565,000. The buyers were Lincoln Park Beer and Liquor LLC, a Wisconsin LLC.