
The Sconi

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

BNI Connect: EXTRA Deep Dive for Directors and Admins to be held July 1


BNI Connect: EXTRA Deep Dive for Directors and Admins

Date: 07/01/2022 to 07/01/2022


12:00 PM to 1:00 PM 


**Deep Dive (Zoom)

Contact jeremy@bni.com for details

Weekly every Friday at Noon Eastern, 9AM Pacific starting June 17, 2022 through the end of the year excluding US holidays and host vacations.

After registering in Zoom, download the calendar file to schedule it in your time zone.  Topics and weeks subject to change, click HERE for a full list of topics.

IMPORTANT: This content is intended for the teams managing regions, including DC's, RA's, ED's, ND's, and NA's. Elevated regional and national access will be required to access many of the functions demonstrated. For the member series, please click HERE.

Once you register you will have access to attend all of the sessions but only need to come to the ones that interest you. Each session will be approximately 30-45 minutes of content followed by plenty of time for Q&A.  All sessions are recorded and uploaded to BNI BB.

Source: https://bniwis.com/en-US/eventdetails?eventId=CCxOZfWmML59dH9jzS3DMw%3D%3D