Steve Cortes, founder and president, the League of American Workers | Provided Photo
Steve Cortes, founder and president, the League of American Workers | Provided Photo
The last thing the citizens of Wisconsin want is a soft-on-crime radical sitting on the state’s highest court, and the polling proves this point.
On that key issue, and many more, the upcoming April 1 state Supreme Court race for Wisconsin matters materially -- not only for the proud citizens of the Badger State, but in fact for all Americans.
Well, the razor thin 4-3 liberal edge in the state’s high court means that Madison radicals can often hijack the will of the people, especially as expressed through the Wisconsin legislature. For example, Democrats have been very open about their plans to use the state’s high court to redraw the US House legislative districts – to “legislate from the bench.” They even get specific, promising pickups of 2 Congressional districts.
Given the narrow majority that the GOP holds in the House in Washington DC, such a power grab from radical judges could well have national fallout.
In addition, leftist activists, many of whom are from out of state, agitate against Voter ID, even though that sensible ID requirement has the support of a whopping 87% of Wisconsin voters! As for Susan Crawford on that key issue, she actually sued the state to stop Voter ID and even called the common-sense practice “draconian.”
Turning to crime, Crawford’s record also reveals an embarrassingly radical record. When she served on the bench in Dane County, she regularly coddled criminals and displayed wanton disregard for public safety and the very citizens she was supposed to be serving in office.
Perhaps the worst such example was Curtis O’Brien, who was charged with the horrific crime of repeatedly raping a 5-year-old little girl in Wisconsin. Instead of keeping this frightening monster behind bars as he awaited trial – or at the least laying down a sky-high bail amount – she let the accused child rapist go free to roam the streets of Wisconsin on a mere $500 bail bond.
Susan Crawford even allowed this cretin to then live directly across the street from an elementary school, sparking understandable outrage in the community, where nearly half the town of Black Earth signed a petition demanding that Crawford reconsider.
Then, incredibly, she capped off her complete dereliction of duty with an almost unbelievably soft sentence for this molester, once he was convicted of this most heinous attack against a child’s innocence. Crawford sentenced O’Brien to only 4 years in prison, even though she could have sentenced him to 60 years behind bars!
In fact, he is already out of prison. Does that fact make you feel safe, Wisconsin parents?
Turning to the polling, when this issue is brought up to Wisconsin voters, they overwhelmingly recoil in disgust at Crawford and her record as a judge. A poll was conducted by the respected TIPP Insights for my pro-laborer advocacy group, the League of American Workers. It surveyed over 1,000 Wisconsin voters and used a sample universe that split by Trump +1% over Harris…right in line with last November’s actual vote returns.
The poll found that a huge supermajority – 65% of Wisconsin voters – say this dreadful child rapist case makes them less likely to vote for Susan Crawford. Even among Kamala Harris voters, 50% say they are less likely to support the liberal candidate Crawford because of this issue.
So, if the great patriots of Wisconsin are accurately informed of the risks of Susan Crawford, they will rally to the side of her opponent, Brad Schimel. In stark contrast to Crawford, Schimel has earned his reputation as a serious crime-fighter in the state, especially as the former Attorney General of Wisconsin.
Crawford on the bench means dangers in the streets – but Schimel on the court means that justice and public safety will take priority.
Steve Cortes is senior political advisor to Catholic Vote and president of the League of American Workers, a populist right pro-laborer advocacy group.
He is a former senior advisor to President Trump and JD Vance, plus a former commentator for Fox News and CNN.