
The Sconi

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Wisconsin: 23 people in 25-44 age group are estimated to have died during week ending December 17


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates 23 people in the 25-44 age group died during the week ending December 17.

According to the CDC, only 60% of deaths are reported within the first 10 days. Due to this lag, the CDC provides a predicted number for the most recent weeks. So far, the total reported deaths for the age group 25-44 during that week is 19.

While a lag in death reporting is normal, some use it for more nefarious reasons. In a statement by the Office of the Inspector General, they state that using someone’s benefits after they die is a federal crime. In that same statement, they point to a recent case in which a daughter continued to receive her father’s benefits for 18 years after his death. In March 2019, she ended up being sentenced to jail time and ordered to repay the benefits.

Figures accurate as of December 29.

Deaths by age group - unweighted vs predicted (Week of December 17)

25-44 years45-64 years65-74 years75-84 years85 years and older232319191131139393182182149149280280230230355355291291PredictedUnweighted