
The Sconi

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Supreme Court overturns Chevron doctrine in significant win for businesses

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Kurt Bauer President & CEO at Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce | Official website

Kurt Bauer President & CEO at Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce | Official website

The Supreme Court of the United States on Friday overturned the Chevron doctrine, a longstanding principle that allowed agency officials to implement regulations beyond their authority. This decision, stemming from the case Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, is seen as a significant victory for the business community.

In response to the ruling, Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce (WMC) President & CEO Kurt R. Bauer issued a statement: “WMC and our members applaud the Supreme Court for overturning Chevron. The decision will rightfully return lawmaking to the elected representatives in Congress, instead of leaving it in the hands of unaccountable bureaucrats.”

Bauer emphasized the impact of federal regulations on businesses: “This is an important corrective step to rein in the suffocating effect of the regulatory state on Wisconsin businesses. However, employers still feel like they are swimming upstream because the average business faces nearly $13,000 in additional costs each year per employee just to comply with federal regulations, according to a National Association of Manufacturers report.”

He further highlighted the broader economic implications: “Altogether, U.S. employers are on the hook for $3.079 trillion each year due to the mountain of red tape coming out of Washington, D.C. That is why WMC will continue to work on behalf of our members to rein in these costly regulations and hold government bureaucrats accountable when they act beyond their authority.”